Sendie Help / Documentation

8MB is the maximum allowable size for a profile image

See our frequently asked questions section for further help and information

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"Subscribing" to a room means posts from that room will actively show in your feed. If you do not subscribe you will have to visit a room directly to see posts in that room.

Room Behavior

  • Cannot be seen by non-members in the room directory
  • Users cannot request to join
  • Only invited users can become members
  • Non-members cannot read any posts or content from a private room
  • Members can follow the room to have posts show in their feed
  • Non-members can find them in searches or the room directory
  • Users submit a request to moderators to join
  • Only accepted users can become members
  • Non-members can read posts and content from a restricted room
  • Non-members can follow the room to have posts show in their feed
  • Non-members can find them in searches or the room directory
  • Anyone can join without approval from moderators
  • Non-members can read posts and content from a public room
  • Only members can post or add content to a public room
  • Non-members can follow the room to have posts show in their feed
  • Non-members can find them in searches or the room directory
  • Non-members can post and add content to a public room
  • Non-members can follow the room to have posts show in their feed